When was the last time you ran ?? Let me guess, was it to catch bus, may be at your school sports day, probably on a lonely night chased b...

A run to remember

When was the last time you ran ?? Let me guess, was it to catch bus, may be at your school sports day, probably on a lonely night chased by stray dog. Ever thought about running a marathon ? No ? Me neither.

You'll never know how it feels unless you start

But I had an opportunity to photograph one such event which ultimately changed my perception towards running. Ananda yana translating to "happy journey" is a marathon event organized by a running enthusiastic group named "Runners high". keeping aside the objective of the run which is for a social cause, few moments left me with a great interest for the sport.

Age - Just a number
This was my first marathon experience and given my preconceived notion that marathon is meant only for physically fit runners, I was surprised to see people from all age groups participating in the run. Kids accompanying their parents, well built-fit-adults and to my amazement watching the age old grandma's and grandpa's in action with their beautiful smile was a perfect bliss. When there is passion and determination, age becomes just a number.

There is no secret ingredient
There is no secret ingredient
Getting trained.
Marathon can make a great picnic spot too
Every participant deserves to cross the finish line
While many of them were professional runners who managed to complete their run, there were a few inexperienced finding it quiet difficult. With their body starting to give up few meters before the finish line, these runners went back and joined them clapping, encouraging, motivating and kept pushing them to complete the race. The very gesture of ensuring every participant deserves to finish the race is a great moment to watch. And photograph too.

Helping Hand

Spreading positive energy
Nevertheless to mention about the environment, it was so energetic. The mood was very pleasant and energetic with volunteers actively cheering, the music band with high volumes, people dancing to the music, kids helping runners with water, there was so much of joy and energy all around. Though I was never a part of the run, I could feel the positive energy and the enthusiasm in me.

Go Go Go !!!

One common factor which I observed and can relate to is their passion towards running. No one worries about the outcome. It doesn't matter whether they run fast, run far, finish first or last. They just run. It is not the result but the process they enjoy doing. Once you are passionate about something, the process excites you more than the results.


When people ask why do I photograph, I really don't have an answer. Its quiet difficult to explain how I feel creating a picture. So I asked the same question to google - "Why do people run?" and ended up with this quote.


It felt good being an observer. May be I should run a marathon to experience how good it really feels.



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